3 Tips to Investing in Yourself in 2018

By Dr. Tyra Seldon


It’s almost the end of 2017; are you ready for the encroaching new year? Most importantly, have you taken the time to identify and analyze some of the goals that you want to accomplish?


I am intentionally avoiding the word resolutions for resolutions seem to come and go as quickly as the apple drops in Times Square. Instead, I like to think in terms of end goals, outcomes, and benchmarks. These are all things that can be measured and quantified. When your goals are actually measurable, there’s a greater likelihood that you will actually accomplish them.


So, before you start your list, here are three tips to investing in yourself:


  1. See your well-being as a resource. Too often we think of self-care as a luxury or something that we should treat ourselves to. In actuality, it should be a natural part of our daily routine. What this looks like will vary from person to person, but what’s most important is that your self- care regimen revolves around those things that edify you and bring you joy and comfort. When you are well, you will have more energy and motivation to reach your goals.


  1. Understand that your growth has to be intentional. When is the last time you took a class? Learned a new skill or did something uncharacteristic? Often times, exploring new opportunities is a springboard for growth. You cannot really determine if you like something if you aren’t willing to try it. Unlike when we were children and we were often forced to try new things, as adults, we have to be intentional. Try looking through the course catalogue at your local college, taking an online course, or even investing in a coach or mentor. Every small step that you take places you one step closer to accomplishing your goals.


  1. Be mindful that your passion is purposeful. If your goals are not aligned to your purpose, there is a strong possibility that they will end up as additional items on your to do list.  Of course, that defeats the purpose. So, I recommend that you think in terms of those things that you are most passionate about and committed to doing. Start with activities that you do well and use them as cornerstones to create additional opportunities. When our goals are intricately aligned to our passion, the outcomes are magical.


All of these tips revolve around one key concept—investing in yourself. Too often, we expect other people to invest in us or we are exerting a lot of energy in investing in other people. Make 2018 the year that you invest in your goals! Remember, carefully executed plans are easier to execute and accomplish.




Dr. Tyra Seldon earned her Ph.D. in English Language and Literature from the University of Rochester in 2002. After a successful teaching career in higher education and K-12, she launched Seldon Writing Group, LLC in 2011. She can be reached at: dr.tyra@seldonwritinggroup.com


Photo Credit: foter.com
